​​We can help kids take responsibility for building their own character through good role models.

​​What we learn in the Adventures of Hyperion that kids just like adults like to get the message through relating to the characters in a story. Hyperion demonstrates that in order to grow and develop our own character, we must first know ourselves. We must know our strengths and weaknesses, and progress toward trying to lead a good life. This is only accomplished through examining our behavior and reflecting on what kind of person we want to be and accepting ourselves for who we are.

There are three things that Hyperion demonstrates that are essential for developing our character: 1.) self-awareness 2.) efforts at improvement 3.) evaluating progress. Improving is a matter of intention, effort and often struggle.

He learns that we don’t become wiser, more patient, more self-disciplined, more truthful, more courageous, more forgiving, automatically. We do so by deliberately striving to be that person. Humans and house bots are not perfect but striving to get better or be your own personal best is what matters.