Meet the Rossi Family’s House Bots
Hyperion–The Disk-Shaped Vacuum Robot
Hyperion is a black disk-shaped vacuum robot who strives to be his personal best and to have a sense of belonging. He is courageous, curious, and adventuresome. But he soon discovers that he has feelings, learns to manage them, and faces new challenges. He admires Ricky who becomes his friend, helps him get out of trouble, and stands up for him. Hyperion is hard working, determined and has pride in his work, but wonders why he is not perfect. After all, he is a robot. He wants to be needed, appreciated, and admired for his sense of duty. He fears rejection for his mistakes and his moods are reflected in his shining lights. He beeps a happy tune when he finishes his work and a sad tune when he is in trouble. When he is admired and accepted by mom, he has a sense of well-being knowing that he is accepted for who he is. He has a secret identity that is only revealed to special people in his life.
DD3-The Wasp-Shaped dish and dusting drone
DD3 is a sleek waisted, 6-legged, wasp-like drone. When he arrives at the Rossi’s house, he causes Hyperion to be a bit jealous of his sleek design. DD3 is a helpful house bot programmed to do dishes, dust, and drone. He is limber, quick and responsive, but seems to lack a sense of humor, or any display of affection. Although he says he has no feelings, his happy humming turns to clicking when he is upset.
Inward and reserved, DD3 has an “all business” attitude toward his duties. When he notices Cat harass Hyperion, he leaps into action like a superhero. This reliable house bot is a bit socially awkward and soon discovers that he has a greater purpose as he learns about empathy and knowing one house bot can make a difference.
DD3 shows maturity as he interacts with other house bots learning about cooperation and other people’s feelings. He no longer is self-serving when he becomes part of the team with a new awareness beyond his own world.
Sophie-The Nanny Bot (Phi)
Phi is a beautiful droid with large gorgeous blue eyes and a small button nose. Her pleasing soft voice and her halo makes her look angelic. She does not look athletic but can challenge the children to a good game of ping pong. She is known to hum when she is off duty and starts beeping when she has urgent matters.
Even though Phi is friendly, fair, and even tempered, she knows how to be strict and firm when managing the children. She wins the heart of all the family members including Hyperion who is captured by her essence. Cat tries to pull a prank on Phi, but Hyperion comes to her rescue and becomes her hero. Hyperion is starting to show maturity and behaves like Ricky to help other bots be successful.
Phi secretly wants to be human and with that flaw she finds herself in a” big bowl” of trouble. Hyperion thinks he is in love and will do anything to protect this beautiful doting droid who has become an important part of the family. They discover that everyone can teach us something about how to become a better person including the house bots.